Hi Everyone!
First off I want to say thank you for being so patient and understanding of my blogging break! It was MUCH needed! :)
And now.........I'm back (I think:)
Well, Life's been really busy since I last checked in here!
We've been/done/happened
1. Gone to my Grandparents house over Labor Day Weekend
2. My Grandparent came home with us afterwords for a few days
3. My Birthday!!! :)
4. Three other siblings Birthdays
5. The Missionary Fair at Church (This past weekend)
6. School started for my siblings. (in August)
What's coming up........
1. FALL!!!!!!
2. Church Campout!! Yay! :)
3. Grandpa and Grandma coming again!
4. Garage Sale?
5. Friends Birthdays
6. Sweater Season!!!
With everything going on I'm not keeping up very well with all of the chores/and other
things I'm supposed to be doing :(
I would love your prayers that I would be more faithful in my walk with God
(With everything going on it hasn't been at the TOP of my list like it should
be.......I'm trying to change that this week)
Thanks for stopping by!
~Wholesome Joy~
Linking Up On.......