Friday, January 24, 2014

What is Your Job?

If someone asks you what your job is, what is your answer?

Out of the many different things that you could say how often do you tell them that you are a child of God? Although most people think that its not, it is a job that God gave us. Think about the things that Jesus tells us to do, feed the poor, tend the sick, take care of widows and orphans, and do all to the glory of God!

Its a full time job! And its one that we should be more aware of, and don't be ashamed of it. Tell people!

        Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
                                                                                      1 Corinthians. 10:31


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  1. I love this post for its challenge. Not sure if this is your Five minute Friday post but God bless you and lovely day!

  2. Thanks for sharing at The Weekend Brew!

  3. The job the Lord laid on me many years ago... even before I knew that was the exact way it was going... is to plant the seed of God. Jobs change, sometimes suddenly, and the reason is b/c people need to be touched re: the Word of God or loveliness or caringness. My husband and I, around and about jobs in our our town and me driving many places around the "world"... whether nationally or personally with people who have arrived here from other nations as refugees... is my main goal in life here. So, you just grabbed my heart. Thanks much.

  4. Beautifully put :) I do not know if I have ever though about it that way!

  5. Linking after you at the Weekend Brew. Being bold with the humility of Christ seems contradictory, but in light of our service to Him and bringing Him glory then I take the challenge to live in the boldness of being a child God and sharing that truth with all! Blessings! Love, Rachael @ Inking the heart

  6. This is an interesting way to put it. But "job" has such a bad connotation in comparison to our delightful opportunity to serve our Creator and the Lover of our souls - I just have a hard time with this post. Yet, however, it is put I do agree we should neither be fearful of speaking about nor ashamed. It is a "job" in the sense of our fallen selves, now full of sin, have twisted and made difficult. It's like how Adam once could garden, but then became a slave to the ground having to work in order to survive.

  7. Wonderful thoughts! We should never be ashamed to be workers for Him. Thanks for linking up with Recommendation Saturday! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

  8. So glad to be your neighbor at weekend brew! Beautiful photos and thoughts you share here!

  9. I love this thought. Yes, we tend not to say that we are a child of God but need to share that we are. Thanks for sharing this over at WholeHearted Wednesdays.

  10. God designed in us a need to do - and it makes sense that He has tasks to fulfill us - and that those tasks involve loving others! Wonderful point! Christians are not designed to be couch potatoes!

  11. profound!
    I never thought about it like that.
    People think I do nothing as a SAHM.
    Now I can tell them..I'm a child of God.

    1. A SAHM is what my Mom is and what I plan to be! Thanks so much for the great comment! <3

  12. I changed my employment blurb on my Google plus profile to reflect this sentiment. Thank you for the inspiration.


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~Wholesome Joy~