Monday, June 29, 2015

Church Picnic and Garage Sale...My Week! :)

Hi Everyone!
I hope you are having a great week so far! 
We had our church picnic yesterday and it was a blast! AWESOME!!!!! 

But that combined with the fact that we are starting our Garage Sale TOMORROW means that sadly I will be absent this week :( 

A dragonfly I was able to get a picture of at the playground yesterday :) 

Cattails at the park!

And closeups of the Cattails! 

I hope you all have a lovely Fourth of July!


~Wholesome Joy~

Linking Up On...

Monday, June 22, 2015

Some of the Beautiful Flowers in our Garden

Well hi everyone! I was going to do a post on one of our favorite meals (Enchilada casserole) but I was editing pictures and realized that I had all of the pictures of making the meal but I didn't have any of the finished meal (All the way cooked) so.....

You all get to see more of our flowers this week! :) 

It's getting HOT around here and although I'm kind-of wilting our flowers are doing GREAT! :)  

Yarrow Blossoms 

This is a little tiny flower that I think is a weed (But it's pretty so I took a picture anyway!)

More Yarrow flowers

Beautiful Purple Clematis blossoms

Pea Blossoms

Orange Lillie's!

I believe that this is a radish that went to seed/flowered..........

A Cucumber Blossom

A Carrot Top

Pea Blossoms again

I'm not sure what this one is........

Thanks for taking a little walk through our garden!

Wholesome Joy

Linking Up On.....

Monday, June 15, 2015

Signs of the Country! :)

Hi Everyone! 
Here is a post I've been meaning to write ever since we got home from our trip over Memorial day weekend! 


We were on our way to see family that lives a few hours away and I started reading the road signs............If you've ever driven in the country you know that there are some pretty cool signs! (+ the whimsical, weird and strange ones! :) and also the ones that make you laugh!) are a bunch of the signs I saw! Enjoy! :)


P.S. Sorry some of the pictures are blurry, it's kind-of hard to take clear pictures when driving down the highway! :) 

Most of my favorite ones are the biggest ones....(The two pictures above are a couple of my favorites!)

Rhino road....

Crawley Drive

Buffalo Linn Creek Road


Tangled Trail



Colvert Drive

Carnahan Road


Steadfast Lane

Chapel Bluff Road

Rough Road :)

Empire Lane

Sorry but I couldn't resist another pic of Rough Road! :D 

Horse & Buggies on the road sign! <3

Pavilion Circle 

Woodall Drive

Mill School Road

This one is my FAVORITE! 

Lain Lane!

Oak Springs Drive

Schoolhouse Ave.

How would you like to live in a town called Racket! :)

Rocky Top Acres again! :D

Lickingteller Ave.

Muddy River Road! :)

Racket Ave......You want to guess what town that was in? lol  :)

Sun Hill Road

Tightwad City Limit...........Population 69


I hope you all have enjoyed the signs of the country! 

~Wholesome Joy~


Linking Up On.....

Monday, June 8, 2015

Beautiful Horses.....Time in the Country

Over Memorial Day weekend we went to see family that lives a few hours away, and on the way there we went through country and Amish area ( we also took a little side trip to Trip To Amish Store, this is my Mom's post about it) 


So what is one of the most common things to see in Amish areas? Horse and buggy! There was an older gentleman riding in the uncovered buggy (Thankfully in this picture the horse blocked him from view or I couldn't have used it!) 

I have to say that seeing horses (and buggies, but mostly the horses! :) is one of my favorite things about travelling down that way! :)


I love how you can see all of the whiskers in the picture above! Who knew that horses had beards! lol :)  

A horse in a field of little yellow flowers? Yes please! :)

Anyone that knows me would know that this was a LOT of fun for me! (This was the first time taking pictures of horses with my new camera! AWESOME!!! :)

 Thanks for stopping by! 

~Wholesome Joy~

Linking Up On.....

Monday, June 1, 2015

All The Flowers Around the Block.....

This has been a busy week/2 weeks! (I'll have a Week In Pictures post up before too long!)
My Grandparents are here and I have been taking many walks with Grandpa and siblings, These are pictures from just one walk around the block!
 (We walk a different way almost everyday so we are seeing new scenery everyday) 

The flower garden in a neighbors yard...Roses and Petunias 

Another neighbors flowers....Lilies

One of our marigolds......

More Lilies!

I little bit of country in the city! LOVE IT! <3

One of my Mom's Mothers Day Roses! 

I hope you all are having a great week!

~Wholesome Joy~

Linking Up On....