Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Some Thoughts

Last night as I had my Bible reading time, I thought of something that had not occurred to me before.
    In the Bible it talks about many people and it's not always just the good things about them. What if those people would have known that one day a book would be written about them-would they have thought twice about some of the things they did?

 OK, so what about us? What if someday your life is written down for everyone to see? What you are doing right now? Is it something you would want your family to know? your friends? your pastor? If not then why do we do them?  If it's not honoring to God then don't do it!




  1. Good post........and a great challenge. Thank you.

    1. thank you for your wonderful comment!

  2. Very good point! It is interesting how sometimes we read about people in the Bible from a "story" or "historical" perspective. But these were real men and women and the good, bad, and the ugly was written about many of their lives. I never thought of it this way. And you're right, if it doesn't please God, then it shouldn't be on my to-do list.

  3. I think of this sort of thing every day. I was filled in sinfulness until the Lord broke into my life, but, am much better, but ain't sinless, hardly any day. Look forward to heaven, b/c the sins will be left here and I'll be places in a learning, growing, serving, rejoicing place of life. All I can count on forever.

  4. Great post. And you are so right. I do believe there is always someone watching us, benefitting positively or negatively from our behavior. Thank you for linking up with The Weekend Brew!

    1. Thank you! and thanks for hosting the linkup!

  5. This is a great challenge and a very good thought to keep thinking on and being reminded of. The photograph of the snow crystals is stunning, here in my part of Australia, we don't get snow so photos like these I always find beautiful! God's creation is amazing! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.


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~Wholesome Joy~