Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thick Creamy Potato Soup! (with Recipe!)

Here is the recipe for one of our favorite soups! (Caution!) This is a recipe for BIG family's :)

1. 3 big Onions
2. seasonings (Garlic, Chicken broth powder, Italian seasoning etc.)
3. Dehydrated Carrots (A few handfuls) 
4. 10 LBS. of Potato's
5. 2 Stalks of Celery
6. 1 container (8 oz.) of Sour Cream



1.First cut up about 3 big onions and put in the pan with 2 sticks of butter to sautee. 

2.After about 10 minutes season it to taste (I use a small handful of dried garlic
 (I didn't have time to cut one up) a little bit of powder chicken soup base and  a little bit of Italian seasoning) Plus some dehydrated carrots. and let it simmerl for a little while.

3.Cut up 10 LB. of Potato's (large diced)  and add.

4. Add about 2 stalks of Celery and enough water so everything can be submerged.
 Let it simmer for a while (a few hours would be best)

(this is before the sour cream and blending)

5. when it is all cooked, take out 4-6 cups and blend in a blender (this will give it a creamy texture) and add 1 (I think an 8 oz. will do) container of sour cream to the soup.


It can take from about an hour (VERY RUSHED!) to 6-8 hours (we like to better this way)


We serve it with Dinner Rolls, French Bread (dinner rolls and french bread made from Basic Homemade Bread Recipe recipe of my Mom's (Gentle Joy, you can find her blogs Gentle Joy Homemaker and Gentle Joy Photography)  or my Cheesy Tortilla Triangles 

The Finished Product!

By the way, we decided on Dinner Rolls this time! :)


Thank you all so much for stopping by today! I hope you get a chance to use this recipe! 

~Wholesome Joy~


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  1. you just made me hungry:)

  2. This looks super delish! Do you dehydrate your own carrots? I'll have to give this one a try! I've pinned it for future reference :)

    1. No, unfortunately we don't. :( I would like to try that sometime though! Thanks so much for stopping by!

      P.S. Thanks for pinning! :) <3

  3. sounds delicious! potato soup is one of my favorite comfort foods! xo jillian - stop by! I'm hosting a RapidLash giveaway on cornflake dreams

    1. I'm glad you liked it! I just went by and entered your giveaway! :) <3

  4. Hello, You are so right this is for a very large family...
    It did look very yummy!
    Blessings, Roxy

    1. :) Sorry! I wrote this recipe down as I was making it and that's the size it was :) Thanks for dropping by! <3

  5. Oh yum!! Will have to give this a try! :)

  6. It was good soup.... I sure appreciated you making it. :) Nice pictures of the process also.

  7. Sounds delicious! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!

    1. Thanks Thank you so much for hosting your linkup! <3

  8. Oh yum! My husband and son love potato soup and of course my hubby enjoys extra cheese in his :) Thanks for sharing your delicious recipe. Enjoy your day!

    1. I like extra cheese too...we also like to put a dollop of sour cream on top too! :)

  9. Thanks for sharing this great soup recipe with us at Good Morning Mondays. It looks absolutely delicious, and I am looking forward to our winter when soups are really great so I can make it. Blessings

    1. I'm so glad you like it! Just wondering what continent do you live on? :) Thanks for stopping by! <3

  10. Oh, my word! This sounds wonderful! I just made potato soup last night, and it just never comes out as creamy as we would like it to be. I have never thought of adding sour cream to it. I did take out about a cup and used the immersion blender to puree it, then poured it back in. We learn as we go! Thanks so much for the wonderful recipes and tips! God bless you. :) P.S. I didn't know Gentle Joy was your Mom! That is so neat!!

    1. Thank you! Yeah the sour cream really works quite well. :) Have a great week! <3

  11. Love your photography blog, very creative, thanks for stoppping by my last party, We'll the party is back today and hope you can come
    Thanks Maria

    1. Sorry I didn't get back over to the party last week:( hoping to stop by this week! Thanks <3

  12. We love potato soup! This recipe looks delicious. Thanks for linking up to Creative K Kid's Tasty Tuesdays Linky Party. I've pinned your post to the Tasty Tuesday's Pinterest board.

    1. We do too! Thanks for hosting the linkup! <3


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~Wholesome Joy~