Monday, January 18, 2016

The Gift of Giving.

 Last week my Grandma was in the hospital in our town for some tests. She was in the hospital for five days so we were up there a lot! 

 One of the days that we were there I saw an elderly man and woman going out the doors of the hospital. They were moving very slowly. The man's feet were turned in and crippled so it looked like walking would be hard and the woman was in a wheelchair and had an oxygen mask on....He was pushing her chair.

 He could barely walk and yet he was still taking care of his wife. He was doing something for her that she couldn't do for herself.

  It was a really sweet thing to see them and also a good picture of what God did/does for us.....He did what we couldn't do for ourselves, He died on they cross and paid for our sins when we couldn't. He gave of Himself for us.

   It's not really caring if your not giving of yourself.....your time, energy, giving always costs something....But it's worth it!

              For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life
                              through Jesus Christ our Lord. 

                                                 Romans 6:23

                                           ~Wholesome Joy~
            Linking up on............
                   So Much At Home Linkup   Tuesday Talk Linkup  


  1. This is so true! So thankful for what Jesus did for us on the cross. Thank you for this gentle reminder and sweet post. :) God bless you!

    1. Thank you for your wonderful comment! :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I completely agree: true giving is sacrificial. Thank the Lord for His gift to us!
    I pray your grandma feels well soon! :)


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~Wholesome Joy~