Tuesday, September 30, 2014

All Things Green!

Hi everyone! I thought that this Colors post should be about green 
(since we won't be having a lot of green for much longer!)
Above are the ruins of a building that we pass every time we go to my grandparents house
 (it's always looked pretty cool and finally we were able to stop for pictures!)   

The front gate at a house we looked into buying............

A passionflower 

A beautiful lake

The fields on the way to my grandparents house

Clematis in bloom! 

Quilts drying on the line...........

A deer (it was on the edge of a parking lot..........

The grass in our backyard...........

A Hummingbird..........

A barn on the way to my grandparents house...... :)

A flower from the backyard.

A tree in the backyard.

And another scene from my grandparent's area! :) 

Thank you for stopping by!

~Wholesome Joy~

Linking Up On......


  1. I love these pictures! My husband loves seeing the ocean but I would choose to look out over green rolling hills with blue sky and white clouds any day! Thanks for capturing and sharing the God's awesome creations!

    1. I'm the same way, I LOVE the country! <3

  2. Beautiful pictures! I so relate to nature. I really find God in nature. How can someone say there is no God when His creation is all around us?

  3. Hannah MarieOctober 07, 2014

    Wow Julia! I love the second and last picture! Soooo pretty!

    1. Thanks Hannah! Those are some of my favorites too! So good to hear from you! :) <3

  4. Just stunning photos! I especially loved the building ruins! Is this with your new camera?

    1. Actually these are all from my little camera! <3

  5. Gorgeous photos. So glad I stopped by.


    1. Thank you! I hope you'll come back soon! <3

  6. So beautiful! The colors in your photos are vibrant--I love all the green. Thanks for sharing!


Hi Everyone! I am so glad your commenting today! I allow anonymous comments if you leave a name in the comment. Also any comments with profanity or anything I deem inappropriate will be deleted. Thanks so much for commenting!

~Wholesome Joy~